Nagaland Forest Management Project (NFMP)

Nagaland Forest Management Project (NFMP) started during 2017-2018, with the assistance from Japan International Cooperation Agency. The project has three main objectives:

  1. Strengthening Conservation regime through Community Participation:
    This is the main objective of the project which envisages to expand are under tree cover, increase tree density in selected areas and to conserve (and augment) the biodiversity of the state through community participation.
  2. Livelihood Opportunities for Enhanced Household Incomes through Convergence:
    The project shall also strive to promote and strengthened livelihood opportunities for enhancing household incomes, while seeking active synergy and complimentarily with other governmental and non-governmental programs. This will also aid food security and reduce vulnerability to climate change while reducing pressure on natural resources.
  3. Institutional Strengthening:
    The project would support extension and strengthening of infrastructure at various levels. The project shall develop, build and strengthened existing community and institutional capacities to plan, implement, monitor and report.

Project Costs

With the total estimated cost of Rs. 533 Crores, the Project is to be implemented in 185 villages in 22 selected Forest Ranges in 11 Forest Divisions namely Mon, Makokchung, Tuensang, Wokha, Dimapur, Zunheboto, Phek, Kohima, Peren , Kiphire and Longleng, covering all the district of the State. The main approach is to undertake need based and village specific intervention in the Joint Forest Management (JFM) mode through the JFM committees (JFMCs). Selection of the targeted villages should be in a cluster based approach i.e. a group of villages sharing the same geographical and vegetation landscape requiring similar forestry interventions, with a view to enhance project impacts in a tangible manner and to reduce administration cost and facilitate cohesive management.

Project Component

With the aforementioned goal, the Project has four main components, namely:
  1. Forestry Interventions and Biodiversity conservation,
  2. Livelihood Improvement and Community Development,
  3. Institutional Strengthening, and
  4. Project Management Consultancy.

A Resource Organisation on Jhum and Biodiversity (ROJB)

A Resource Organisation on Jhum and Biodiversity (ROJB) shall be established under the NFMP as an autonomous entity which shall engage/ collaborate with state, national and international institutional institutions to undertake knowledge collation, research and documentation on Jhum and biodiversity in the state.